Thursday, February 9, 2012

The legend

The legend

Years to come

As to ashes will remain

Forever gone

Forever gone

Years to come

A whole journey to fight

Whomever comes across the door

from the dark room

that stands in fire

red, blue, yellow

fire, fire everywhere

I go outside

All there is

Water water everywhere

a man

a boat

stands out in tears

sirens come about

singing for a past legend

the holy cross

a dying man

The serpent’s laughter

Accusation of the innocent

A lie

The devil’s song


The 6 headed dragon

Laughter laughter everywhere

Laughter and it never ceased

Monday, December 19, 2011

Every Day I walk

Every day i walk
By Hector (Gothi)

walking in the air
I come across peddled roses
red, so red
as red as blood
A past memory
soon to be forsaken
to save a new one
longing to come
Everyday i walk
and see what I've become
Every day i sing for the warmth of your soul
What is this?
a joke?
a drastic folk?

Everyday i walk 
your face shines
like you are the moon standing
facing the earth
should stars look at me
but i know what i want 
for they are only lost
what you and i share is eternal shed
come to me
i pray for thee
My hand is cold
until you walk in the door
My hand will be in warmth
Never again will i be alone
to walk alone
Every day I walk